We all have a name. My whole life my name has been misspelled, mispronounced, and I have never found a key chain or souvenir with my name spelt correctly on it (if you ever find, it I will be amazed.) You may go by a nickname, or maybe a middle name, but our name is a part of our identity. We value having a “good name,” also known as, a blameless reputation. In a similar way, God’s Name speaks of His identity, His character, and His actions. God’s Name—His character and reputation—must be set apart as holy in this world, and that is what Jesus teaches us to pray for.
Prayer Tip # 16 - Pray for God’s Name to be Hallowed
“In this manner, therefore, pray: Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.”
Matthew 6:9-10
God's Name is already holy, so what is it that we are asking when we are praying for His Name to be hallowed? We are asking that His Name be kept holy among us and in our lives. In this petition, we ask God to let all we think, say and do bring glory and honor to His holy Name. We ask that we would live in such a way that we do not dishonor His holy Name and drag it down with us into the mud of sin.
The request “hallowed be Your Name” comes first in the Lord’s Prayer. Right away, Jesus removes the focus from us and turns our attention to God. It’s about Him, His holiness, and His work in the world. Jesus taught us to begin our prayers by recognizing the God to Whom we pray. He is a loving Father who invites us into His presence. He genuinely cares for us. God is holy and worthy of all honor, and our first priority is to pray that the world would see how holy and glorious He is.
Prayer Points –
Praise God that He is holy and set apart.
Pray that God's Name will be hallowed - in our lives, in our church, in our country, in our world.
Pray that God's true Name and character would be taught and understood by the nations.
Thank God for His Word that is given to us so that we may know Him.
Pray and ask God to continue to teach you more about His character.
Hallowed be Thy Name Lord, in our world, and our country, and our communities, in our church, in our homes, in our hearts. May Your Name be revealed and referenced and understood and worshipped in every tribe, tongue and nation. You are the great I AM, the One who is eternal in the heavens, and forever the same yesterday today and forever. Thank You for Your Word, which You spoke and have written so that we may know You and be saved by faith. Help me to continue to learn more about You and Your character. I praise You, for You are holy and there is none like You.
In Jesus' Name, amen.