I treasure the vivid memories growing up in Youth Group that I still carry with me to this day. The events, the worship songs, the mission trips, and the ridiculous amount of thinly sliced pizza and soda! My parents always encouraged my sister and I to attend and faithfully drove us to and from church each week. Although I loved to see my friends and be a part of it all, I ultimately would leave unaffected by the Bible teaching and would trudge through life without acknowledging God.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
And lean not on your own understanding;
In all your ways acknowledge Him,
And He shall direct your paths.
Proverbs 3:5-6
The enemy wants us to believe that we can walk, talk and live our lives without the Lord, and without acknowledging Him and all He has done for us. We are tempted to think that we have the things we do out of our own abilities and out of our own power. God's Word calls us to humility and commands us to acknowledge the Lord in all of our ways. Our abilities, possessions, experiences, and our greatest achievements are because of God and His grace. I worked hard playing soccer since I could walk and eventually achieved my goal of playing soccer in college. It wasn't solely my own abilities that allowed me to do this, but through the Lord's gift of my parents, their sacrifice of time and financial support, and the health that He gave me throughout. It had been years after I graduated from Bridgewater College and playing soccer that I finally acknowledge God's sovereignty and His faithfulness in my life and through sports. By His grace and mercy we are able to see the truth - our God is the Lord of all the earth and we are the stewards of the blessings He gives us.
As we have begun Stewardship month here at Mid-Way, we are reminded of this: "The earth is the Lord’s, and all its fullness, the world and those who dwell therein. For He has founded it upon the seas, and established it upon the waters." (Psalm 24:1-2). In our brokenness and our flesh, we can forget to acknowledge the God of the universe who founded all things and gives us the breath in our lungs.
Prayer Tip #44 - Pray in Acknowledgment of God
How often is God a part of our every day life? Is it merely before we eat and thank Him for the food He has provided? Is He a part of our thoughts, meditations, conversations and plans? When we talk about something we expect to happen, are we quick to move on or do we acknowledge our Heavenly Father by saying "Lord willing"? When we are excited about something, are we thanking and praising God for His hand in it? As we trust the Lord and acknowledge Him in ALL our ways, He will direct and lead us. Pray that we wouldn't close God out of the good and praiseworthy things in our lives, but that we would allow Him to permeate into everything we say and do.
Prayer Points - (Pray over these requests)
Lord, help me to acknowledge You in all of my ways.
Lord, help me to remember that You are the creator and owner of all things.
Lord, allow me to have a deeper faith in You because of all You have done in my life.
Lord, I want You to be a part of every area of my life, every day.
Lord, help me to be a good steward of the abilities, possessions, experiences and achievements You have entrusted me with.
Suggested Prayer - (Pray these words in your heart or out loud):
Dear Lord,
I praise and honor You for You are the Maker of Heaven and of earth. Thank You for giving us life and life again in You. Help us to remember that You are the Lord over our lives and we are only stewards of what You have given us. Give us the faith to trust You in all our ways and acknowledge Your presence in and around us. Thank You for Your faithfulness in our lives, help us to remember the abundant blessings You have already given us and will give us. Thank You for the most incredible gift of all in Your Son.
In Jesus' Name I pray, Amen.