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When Do We Stop Praying? - 8.28.20

Writer's picture: Jordan BeatonJordan Beaton

Thank you for continuing to pray for our church family. There is so much to pray about and I am thankful that you take the time each week to lift up each and every request to God. My favorite worship song currently is Way Maker! One of the lyrics in the song is, "Even when I don't see it You're working. Even when I don't feel it You're working. You never stop working." Although I know this is true, sometimes I don't live like it is. There is something I have been praying about for so long that some days I begin to think that God is never going to answer it, or answer it in the way I prefer He would. I think it is safe to assume that I am not alone in these thoughts. We pray and pray and pray, and nothing happens. God says he loves and cares about me, so why won't he heal my loved one of this sickness? He has given me the desire to be a mom, so why isn't He allowing me to start a family? There is seasons where it can be so easy to become overwhelmed with sorrow, grief, or depression that we neglect praying. Psalm 88 is a reminder to us that we can possess real, authentic faith - even if we feel worse after we've prayed than we did before. 

PRAYER TIP # 16 - When Do We Stop Praying? "O LORD, God of my salvation, I cry out day and night before you. Let my prayer come before you; incline your ear to my cry!"  Psalm 88:1-2 So, when do we stop praying? The answer is never, as long as you have breath in your lungs. This Psalmist was experiencing true sadness but he never stops praying. He continues to cry out to God, day and night. We can choose to do the same. Not every prayer is going to leave you feeling refreshed and encouraged. God does not promise to produce quick answers for every prayer. But God's grace in our lives allows us to keep on praying even when it hurts. If in our sorrow we can still cry out to God, then that is His grace in our life. That is a reason for us to have hope.  In our moments of deepest despair, may we, too, cry out: "O LORD, God of my salvation." Because he truly is the God of our salvation-even in the darkest night of our souls. 3:30 Prayer Challenge - Plan to call someone to pray with them over the phone about whatever is on your heart! This Week's Prayer Points - (Pray over these requests);

  • That God would give us true, authentic faith to believe in Him. 

  • That God would encourage your heart to not grow weary. 

  • That God would incline his ear to your cry.

  • That God would be your hope in the moments of deepest despair. 

  • That God would use the trial you are in for your good and His glory. 

SUGGESTED PRAYER - Lord, I come to You in Jesus' name and I ask that You would grow my faith into true, authentic faith. I recognize that You are God and invite You to sit on the throne of my life. I want to be a woman who believes in You and Your Word. Encourage my heart Lord. Help me to not grow so weary and discouraged that I turn from You. Use my trials to sanctify me and make me more like Your Son. Listen to my cries. Hear my requests and help me to trust in Your timing. Thank You for caring so deeply about me and moving in my life. Help me to believe that You are always working, even when I don't see it. Help me to live on truth and not my wavering feelings. You are the way-maker, promise keeper, light in the darkness. I proclaim that today.  Lord, I lift up Pastor Grant, Mid-Way's Staff, Life Group Leaders, Officers, and Church Family to You. I ask that You would bring unity to our church. That we would love one-another with true, genuine love. Help us as a church to recognize that You are in control. Help us to trust in Your timing and your plan for our church. Give us wisdom to walk in Your will and to do nothing that You would not have us to do.  God, I ask that You would bless every service. I thank you for the technology that enables us to push Your gospel out into the world through unique ways. Continue to teach us new ways to minister to people during this time. Encourage our hearts and help us to not grow weary in doing good. 

In Jesus' Name, Amen!

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