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Begin Praying with Worship, Adoration, & Praise - 5.28.20

Updated: Nov 10, 2020

You mean a lot to to us and we are so thankful that you joined the Women's Prayer Team! We honor God by praying and are showing in our actions that we believe things can change for the better as we pray in Jesus name. When you read the Bible God speaks to you; when you pray, you speak to God.

3:30 pm Prayer Challenge-This challenge is to motivate the Women's Prayer Team to maintain their times of prayer with a prayer partner. If this time does not fit in your schedule just pick another time and try to faithfully pray with a prayer partner whether it is one day or several days weekly. Conversations with God help to keep us wise and focused on what matters.


Daniel 9:3-4 And I prayed to the Lord my God, and made confession, and said, "O Lord, great and awesome God, who keeps His covenant and mercy with those who love Him, and with those who keep His commandments."

Why should we begin prayer with worship, adoration and praise? When we come before God with a thankful heart, acknowledging Him for all He is, then we are entering His gates (presence) with worship and adoration.. When we testify to others with our words and actions of God's provision, then we are praising His name. Only God is worthy of all our praise!


  • For us to grow in worship of God with joy and to be grateful for the unshakable, unbreakable, eternal love of that God gives us reason to rejoice in the Lord even in unsettling times.

  • In the midst of the rush of life, that we would make prayer an even more essential part of our day.

  • That the world would have a revival of many conversions and Christians would be educated in the truth of God's Word.

  • Pray that God will be gracious to us all and provide a remedy for this devastating virus.

  • Wisdom and confidence that God would see us through this challenging time as He guides Pastor Grant and staff in all their plans and decisions.

  • The Flourish Event Online would minister to the needs of the participants and honor God. SUGGESTED PRAYER - Dear Heavenly Father, we praise you for your joy and love that you extend to us on a continual basis! Help us to be mindful to prioritize prayer times in our lives and look to You for our help. We pray that many people would be born again, grow spiritually and live for You. We ask for a cure for the COVID-19 and that you would receive all the credit for it! We thank You Lord that You are providing wisdom for all of the decisions that must be made for the re-gathering of MBC. We ask that all of those contributing to the Flourish Online Event would faithfully follow the leading of your Spirit that your will would be accomplished. In Jesus' Name, Amen

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