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Fighting to Flourish: Part Two

Writer's picture: Michelle StaubsMichelle Staubs

Last week I wrote about "fighting to flourish", and this week I feel impressed to continue this theme. God is allowing us as a church to take new ground for Him. As we do this, we must continually humble ourselves before the Lord, and be alert and aware of the schemes of the enemy. Fighting back is a necessary part of our life as a Christian - that's why God has provided us with His spiritual armor! He would have never provided those pieces of the armor if He never intended for us to face battles.

Ephesians 6:13

Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able

to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.

So why don’t we fight? Why do we shy away from the battles that come our way? Why do we shrink back in fear? Why are we intimidated by the idea of putting on the "whole armor of God"? I don't know about you, but for me, fighting is tiring, and can be exhausting. Fighting back against the enemy requires my time and attention. It requires me to set aside intentional time to pray specifically for the challenge I'm up against. It requires me to let go of distractions. When the battle is on, all energy and effort must be put toward securing the victory. To fight back demands courage, but fighting back is necessary. To flourish and to move forward in the calling and plan that God has for you, you MUST fight.

You may be familiar with the passage on the twelve spies found in Numbers 13. Moses chose one man from each of the twelve tribes of Israel, and they were sent as spies to scout out the land that God had promised to Abraham. This Promised Land had been something that they had been anticipating for generations. And this should have been the generation that was able to conquer the land of Canaan and take it as their own possession. They should have been able to live in this beautiful land with their families, and enjoy the good things that God had promised them as an inheritance. But that's not what happened.

As they scouted out the land, some of the spies became intimated by the locals who currently occupied the land. They saw themselves as "grasshoppers" compared to the Canaanites. In their mind, there was no way that they could defeat this foe and take possession of the Promised Land. Ten of the spies let fear stop them in their tracks, but two of the spies had faith that God could give them victory and that they could defeat their enemies. Caleb and Joshua were the only two, of the twelve spies, who believed that God could give them the victory, if they fought!

Numbers 13:30-31

Then Caleb quieted the people before Moses, and said,

“Let us go up at once and take possession,

for we are well able to overcome it.”

 But the men who had gone up with him said,

“We are not able to go up against the people,

for they are stronger than we.” 

Unfortunately, Caleb and Joshua were unable to convince the rest of the Israelites that they should fight for the Promised Land. Because of their unbelief, that entire generation was kept wandering in the wilderness, never enjoying the promises of God, and the good things He had planned for them. If only they had obeyed His command to FIGHT in faith, the victory would have been given by God.

Numbers 14:6-8

But Joshua the son of Nun and Caleb the son of Jephunneh, who were among those who had spied out the land, tore their clothes;

 and they spoke to all the congregation of the children of Israel, saying: “The land we passed through to spy out is an exceedingly good land. If the Lord delights in us, then He will bring us into this land and give it to us, 

‘a land which flows with milk and honey.’ 

The Israelites were fearful to fight for what God had promised: a land flowing with milk and honey. One of the ways that the enemy keeps us trapped, imprisoned, or from taking possession of our inheritance in Jesus, is through intimidation and fear. The enemy loves to whisper lies into our hearts to discourage us, like: "Things will never change; You'll always struggle with this; You'll never overcome this addiction; You'll always be crippled by the pain of this; Your marriage can't be restored; Your loved one will never turn back to God; There is no reason to try or to pray; You'll never overcome this situation; Don't try so hard when it's not possible anyway; If you try to fight back, you'll just be disappointed again."

I hope that the faith of Caleb and Joshua has inspired you to FIGHT! Later, after the death of Moses, and after that entire generation died, Joshua and Caleb did indeed fight for the Promised Land and they were able to take possession of it! (See Joshua 1-6) God told a new generation of Israelites to go and fight! They obeyed and God gave a great victory! Although many battles were fought to secure the entire Land of Promise, little by little they took possession of their inheritance! And the same can be true for you, if you decide to fight in faith with the power of God. Little by little, you will have victory in your life, and God will strengthen your resolve and faith in Him.

Prayer Tip #5: Make a decision to fight back in prayer.

You may be wondering, "How do I fight?" There are many ways that we can fight back. Keep in mind that fighting is ACTIVE, not PASSIVE. Do not passively accept defeat. If God has called you to fight for something, do it in HIS power and HIS strength. He does not ask us to fight alone or to fight unequipped for battle.

Below are some ways that you can fight:

  1. We fight through prayer. Fighting through prayer is intentionally persisting in prayer about a particular issue or situation. You may need to go into your prayer closet" or a room and really persevere in prayer. Get on your knees before the Lord and ask Him to give you the victory over specific sins, or areas of your life where you are experiencing defeat. Cry out to God and enlist His help in whatever battle you are in. A "Prayer Warrior" is someone who is known for a vibrant prayer life, who is not afraid to "go to battle" in the spiritual sense, enlisting God's help. Let us become a group of women who are known as "prayer warriors" who will fight through prayer and secure the promises of God, in faith!

  2. We fight in the Name of Jesus, and through the Blood of Jesus. Never fight a spiritual battle in your own strength. We are not strong enough to do this. We must take the position of humility and confess our utter dependance upon God to win this type of battle. When you pray, pray in Jesus' Name. Plead the blood of Jesus over your situation or circumstance. (Rev. 12:11)

  3. We fight by putting on the whole armor of God. A true warrior takes the time to "armor up." You can read about the "whole armor of God" in Ephesians 6:10-18. This account lists out the need for each piece of equipment, and how God uses it to fit us for battle. Only warriors need armor. This is one of our callings: to fight for ourselves, and to fight for others. To fight for victory, freedom and the abundant life that Jesus offers.

  4. We fight through faith. Our faith in God is a mighty weapon. We can't depend upon the faith of others when we're in a battle. We must have our own faith based on a vibrant and personal relationship with the Lord. But the faith of other believers has often encouraged me so much when I am in a fight. When I see the faith of other godly Christians, in difficult circumstances, it spurs me on. And I know that they have been in a battle just to keep their faith during those hard times. Witnessing their faith in the Lord helps to propel me forward in my journey with Him.

  5. We fight through encouragement! Our church if full of incredible encouragers! Many of you have provided encouragement to me right when I needed to hear it through cards, emails, texts, and personal words of encouragement. To encourage is to “give courage” to another. We especially need encouragement when we are facing a spiritual battle. If you need encouragement, reach out to a godly friend, and tell them. Sometimes we just need to hear someone say, "You're going to make it through this; I am praying for you and believing that God will give you the victory in this." That has been true in my life.

Prayer Points:

  • Lord, Help me to see the need to fight for what matters most in my life.

  • Jesus, Help me to fight in Your strength and Your power alone. Fill me with your Holy Spirit. I confess that I am not equipped to face this spiritual battle on my own.

  • Lord, Help me to "armor up" for battle with the whole armor of God.

  • Jesus, I plead Your precious blood over my life as a shield of protection as I fight these spiritual battles.

Personal Prayer:

Father God,

I come boldly before Your throne, as Your daughter, and I humbly ask for YOUR Holy Spirit to enable, equip, and empower me to FIGHT for what matters most. Help me to clearly see the battles that I need to fight to have the freedom and abundant life that You have promised for me. Help me to see that YOU alone are my victory. Help me to honor You, even when I am in a battle. Help me to fight in Your power alone, with the precious blood of Jesus as a shield over my life.

In the mighty and victorious Name of Jesus Christ I pray,


In Christ,

Michelle Staubs

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