Women’s Prayer Team - Week 4
Our church family has just jumped into a new season of Bible Study. It's so exciting to study God's Word with a group of women who really want to learn and grow! A group of us are going through "Experiencing God" and although I went through this study over twenty years ago, it has already challenged me and reminded me of the wonderful truths of God's Word!
PRAYER TIP #4 – Look for where God is working and join Him!
John 15:17 & 19
"Jesus responded to them, “My Father is still working,
and I am working also.” Jesus replied, “Truly I tell you, the Son is not
able to do anything on his own, but only what he sees the Father doing.
For whatever the Father does, the Son likewise does these things.
In the Bible Study, Experiencing God, we focused on the example of Jesus. When He was on earth, He was aware that His Father was always at work. Jesus looked to see what the Father was doing and joined Him in that work. In verse 19 Jesus said “... because whatever the Father does the Son also does."
It's pretty amazing that we don't have to "dream up" something to do for God! I must admit that many times I have thought of things that I could "do for the Lord", instead of simply looking to see where God was already at work, and joining in. Consider the life of Noah. What if Noah had came up with a wonderful plan of something great that he could accomplish for God without realizing that God had plans to destroy the earth because of mankind's great sin. God already had a plan, and that plan did involve Noah, but it involved Noah getting on board with what God was already doing. It also involved years of hard work for Noah and his family. It's a good thing that Noah did follow God's leading and accomplish God's plan for his life because only Noah and his family were saved from the world-wide flood.
What about Abraham? What if he came up with a great idea to follow God where he was currently living. If he didn't listen to God's plan, he would have never left his hometown and went into the Promised Land. Because Abraham obeyed God and journeyed with God to a new land, God greatly blessed Abraham, and a great nation of people came from his descendants. The Bible is God-centered, and naturally we tend to be self-centered. God spoke to Abraham and Abraham obeyed. It's a simple concept, but the hard part is actually obeying God when He shows us what to do.
I want to challenge you to pray for God to open your eyes to where He is already at work and ask Him to lead you to ways that you can get involved in what He is already doing. God's plans are far greater than any plan we can come up with. His plans will prevail. We are not promised that our plans with succeed, but we can trust that His eternal plans will never fail. How exciting it is to be invited into the story of God and be a part of what He is doing in our generation!
Prayer Points:
Lord, I believe that You are always at work around me.
Lord, open my eyes to the ways that You are already at work in my family, church, city, and community.
Lord, help me to see where you are working and join You in your eternal plan.
Lord, help me to respond in obedience to your promptings.
Lord, help me to live a God-centered life, instead of a self-centered life.
Suggested Prayer - Pray these words in your heart or out loud:
Father God,
I come before You in the mighty Name of Jesus and I thank You for your promise to always be at work around me. Help me to see clearly where You are working and how You want me to be involved in Your work. Open my eyes to what You want to do in my family, church, city and community. I want to be a part of Your eternal plan and seek Your kingdom first in all things. When you lead me, help me to be obedient to Your Holy Spirit. Lord, I want to live a God-centered life where You are the focus. Please help me to build my life upon You, my Solid Rock, and my firm Foundation. It is an honor to be involved in the work you are doing!
In Jesus' Name, Amen.
In Christ Alone,
Michelle Staubs