Women’s Prayer Team - Week 45
Homebody is a common word I have always used to describe myself. I want to say this came from the way I grew up. I attended the same school from kindergarten to the 12th Grade, grew up in the same house my whole life, and have attended Mid-Way since I was born. All I knew was routine - a life where almost every day was the same. Change was an unknown word to me. You can imagine the anxiety I feel whenever I hear the Lord calling me out of my so-called “routine”.
PRAYER TIP #45 – Pray for the Lord to Stretch You Outside of Your Comfort Zone.
Many times I will hear the Lord calling me out of my comfort zone and I’m left with nothing but excuses. I begin to think of any and every excuse as to why I am not fit for the job He is calling me to. I tell God there is someone more qualified than I am. Are you ready for the hard truth? You’re right. There probably is someone more qualified according to the world’s standards, but the Lord does not work according to the world’s standards. I am reminded of the story of Moses being called by the Lord to Egypt. Moses came up with excuses and reasons for why he was not cut out for the job. Moses explained to the Lord if he cannot speak eloquently, how would he be able to bring the people out of Egypt. The Lord responded to Moses saying:
“Who has made man’s mouth? Who makes him mute, or deaf, or seeing, or blind? Is it not I, the Lord? Now therefore go, and I will be with your mouth and teach you what you shall speak.”
Exodus 4:11-12
Not only was the Lord going to be with Moses, He was going to equip Moses. In the midst of the calling it is easy to come up with reasons as to why you are not cut out for the job - but that is the BEST part of it! We no longer have to rely on ourselves to fulfill the calling, but on the Lord. Ultimately when we are not cut out for the job, it is the Lord that gets all the glory.
“Not to us, O Lord, not to us, but to your Name give glory…”
Psalm 115:1
According to our own minds, you are right, you are probably not cut out for the job, but that’s the whole point! If you were cut out for the job you would be able to boast in yourself, and it would no longer point to the Lord. When we have to fully rely on the Lord it is evident that His hand was in the plan the whole time! When we are not fully cut out for the job the Lord is able to equip us! We become stretched and molded into the vessel God needs us to be for His plan, when we fully trust in Him!
Prayer Points:
Lord, thank you for holding my life in your hands.
Lord, thank you for allowing me to play a part in your masterpiece!
Lord, stretch me outside of my comfort zone.
Lord, calm my anxiety when I hear you calling me outside of my comfort zone.
Suggested Prayer - Pray these words in your heart or out loud:
Heavenly Father,
Thank you for Your goodness! I praise You for holding my life in your hands! Lord, remind me daily that it is a blessing for me to be a part of Your masterpiece! Lord, I pray for You to calm my fears and anxieties when I hear You calling my name! Lord, equip me for Your calling! I pray that in all I do, not I, but You get the glory! Lord, I pray that You stretch me to be fully used for You! Give me the strength to say yes to all that You have called me to! I love you so much Lord! In Jesus Name, Amen.
With Love,
Caroline Arbelaez