When my husband, Craig, and I were in college, we had a professor who would always say, "As Christ Followers, one of two things we all have in common is we are God's children and we are fellow strugglers. There is not one of us who has it more figured out than another." I remember for a season, I didn't really understand why he described us as "strugglers" - I found it to be a negative way of looking at things. My then 19-year old brain didn't compute all that this life can throw our way - especially when it comes to the testing of our faith. But now at 40+ years of age and with a little bit more experience, I've come to completely understand that life is a beautiful blend of all things joyful, painful, hopeful, heartbreaking, and the list could literally go on forever. It's not always easy, and it can be a struggle to find the hope that we have in our access to Christ. The good news, dear friends, is that it is always accessible, always present.
If you are drawing breath, then you have experienced these high's and low's. Each of us go through times when we feel encouraged and then discouraged, thankful and then overwhelmed, on the highest of highs and then to feeling alone. So the idea of being "fellow strugglers" holds so much truth. But that's not where we were made to stay! We are able, through Christ, to enjoy community with one another. To build each other up and so much more. We also have the amazing joy through God's Word of being able to encourage ourselves in the Lord!
Joshua 1:9
“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”
I want to encourage you with these three simple truths when we consider encouraging ourselves in the Lord:
1 - We can speak TRUTH into our own hearts and minds.
When we are feeling down, our feelings often cloud the truths of God's Word - at least they certainly do for me! We might believe lies about ourselves, our circumstances, or even our good and faithful Father. That is why it is so important to speak TRUTH to yourself, just as the psalmist did,
“Why are you cast down, O my soul? And why are you disquieted within me? Hope in God, for I shall yet praise Him. For the help of His countenance."
2 - Have an attitude of GRATITUDE.
When things aren't necessarily going the easy way, it can be a natural human response to dwell on the negatives and the disappointments. But what if we combat these human responses with the things we KNOW to be true? What if we began to turn our sorrow into praise? I encourage you to shift your focus to what you are thankful for. That gives us the power to truly transform our perspective.
Paul had this same realization and penned in 1 Thessalonians 5:18, “Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you”. In our home, when one of us develops some "stinky thinking", we encourage one another to take a breathe and sit down to make a list of 5 things we are thankful for — no matter what they are.
I encourage you to do that now - either on a piece of paper or in your phone's note taking app:
Making a list of things that we are grateful for can really help change our perspective and the posture of our heart. Maybe on your list you are thankful for the gift of a friendship, or the beautiful sunset at the beach - whatever it is, taking time to list the things we are truly thankful for helps focus our hearts and minds on the goodness of God - and changes our perspective off of our situation.
3 - Seek ENCOURAGEMENT from those brothers and sisters in your circle.
While self-encouragement is important, God made us to live in community with others in Christ. We see Paul teach us in Galatians 6:2 to, “Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.” Never allow yourself to believe a lie that you are alone in a struggle. Do not hesitate in reaching out to a trusted friend, family member, Pastor, Small Group Leader, or mentor when you are feeling down. Share your struggles and let them encourage you with prayer, Scripture, and words of truth. Sometimes, simply being reminded that you are not alone can make all the difference in the world. And also, do not forget that God often uses you and your circumstances to encourage others too,
Pray for the Lord to remind us of His promises. Open His Word and meditate on passages that speak to His faithfulness, truth, and love. Write down those passages and pray them over yourself.
Prayer Points:
Lord, thank You for Your never failing and always faithful Word.
Father, remind me of truths from Your Word and help me memorize them.
Lord, teach me Your ways and how to depend solely on You and Your promises.
Dear Gracious Father,
We come before You in the Name of Jesus and thank You for Your Word and the all access pass You have given us to it. Your Word says in Psalm 34 that, "You are near to the broken hearted." Thank You for giving us access to You! You tell us in 2 Corinthians 2:9 that Your "grace is sufficient for me" and I claim that truth over my heart and mind today! I can read in Lamentations 3:22-23 that Your "love for me is steadfast and unmoveable" and I can rest in You. Thank You for giving me the Bible as a way to see the truths that You have given us to be able to believe TRUTH that are from You and not the lies that this world offers me. Thank You for my community. Please allow me to be a truth-speaker to those I have influence with. Thank You for combating the brokeness of my heart with the truth and love of who You are. In Jesus’ holy Name I pray, Amen.
Because of His Grace,
Amanda Dyson